What really gets the attention of God? Is there anything specific, or a specific combination of things? As I look through scripture I see many places where man got God's attention but nothing seemed to jump out at me as a connecting theme. First there is Noah, he obtained God's attention and then built an ark. Jacob comes next and God took notice when he would not let go until God blessed him. Moses working on the backside of the desert running from his place, Rahab hid some spies, Gideon was minding his own business, David was an overlooked young man tending sheep, Daniel prayed continuously, Elijah prayed earnestly, the centurion believed, the Samaritan woman would not give up, Peter spoke the truth, the thief begged for forgiveness, Thomas questioned, Stephen kept going, and Saul, a.k.a Paul, killed followers of The Way. What is the common thread between them? There lives, actions, and encounters seem to be so different and yet the secret to all of them is not really found in any of their stories but laid plain in Hebrews 11. Real, honest faith is the answer to commonality between the stories above. Some of them, at one point, had their faith misdirected but had faith nonetheless and were honest about it. Their faith lead to actions that seemed to be over the top ridiculously pointless in the moment it happened but is now monumental in the light of eternity.
Why were these people so sure of their decision making in the midst almost complete uncertainty? These people had a faith and hope not in the circumstances but in the what they honestly believe God was calling them to. They were honest in the beliefs and when encountered with truth moved immediately towards its end. Is this the way we live our lives? Constantly searching for truth in our relationship with God and when face with truth, adjusting our faith to line up with that truth. This is the way these people got God's attention and lived an extraordinary life. Are you ready for that life of a disciple?
In Search of Truth,
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