Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rules & Relationship

Last Summer I was out on Hollywood Blvd. doing relational outreach and entered into a conversation with someone who was both politically and religiously well-versed. We started out the conversation by discussing what many people have been talking about the last two years - politics. I know the two things that you are not suppose to discuss is politics and religion but I honestly believe that that is a huge scheme to get us away from relationship and talking about what is really going on in our world. These two items dominate much of what goes on in our society and if we are afraid to engage these issues, we will continue to let others dictate our thinking and activities. Oddly, we shared much of the same views and so I pushed the limits and brought up the problems with both and posed to him the question what were the solutions to these problems. This is where things could have became very dicey but the conversation slipped right passed the surface and we started really talking serious.
We begin to discuss the similarities between government and the church and how the church has taken a backseat on issues that should have never entered the political realm and thus created an environment that tries to legislate morality. I notice him scrunch his face when I said that abortion, gay marriage, and healthcare were not political issues but moral issues that should not be taken up by government to legislate. I told him that if the church would do its job in addressing these matters by speaking truth in love and building relationships with people in these circumstances legislation would have never happened and we would have not been sucked into fighting them by means which are unbiblical. We are now trying to create a circumcision of the flesh when it is a circumcision of the heart that is needed. This lead to the topic of rules vs. relationship.
I began on the biblical terms of presenting the idea that the old testament law was given to prove to us that we were incapable of keeping the law thus keeping us from right standing with God. He wanted to show the people that laws were the only way to keep people trying to live right if they did not desire a relationship. In other words, the more strained the relationship the greater amount of rules in place to keep the population under control. He agreed. I then asked him when was the last time he was in close relationship with a political figure. His answer to me was never. This lack of relationship between the governing body and its people creates the need for more rules to keep the people in their proper place; only this time the decision for the lack of relationship is coming from the governing body. I then threw out the question of when was the last time you saw church leadership with a strong relationship with the people they were to watch over and how many people do you have a strong relationship with? This question made him ponder for awhile and so I broke the uncomfortable silence. Why have we created so many rules within the church that are not found in the Word of God? The simple answer is our broken relationship with God and with each other.
I purpose a question all of us, when we will begin to throw rules out to build relationship with people and with God so as to create self-discipline and discipleship amongst the body? It is in the building of relationships that we will see the heart of people and gain permission to speak the truth in love that will produce lasting change. Are you with me to risk it all to reach broken people and show them the way to be reconciled to God and walk in the most excellent way? Let us be the ones who, like Paul, say, "follow me as I follow Christ". Church, rise up and take your proper place.

Ready for Relationship,

Pastor Jeromy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting God's Attention

What really gets the attention of God? Is there anything specific, or a specific combination of things? As I look through scripture I see many places where man got God's attention but nothing seemed to jump out at me as a connecting theme. First there is Noah, he obtained God's attention and then built an ark. Jacob comes next and God took notice when he would not let go until God blessed him. Moses working on the backside of the desert running from his place, Rahab hid some spies, Gideon was minding his own business, David was an overlooked young man tending sheep, Daniel prayed continuously, Elijah prayed earnestly, the centurion believed, the Samaritan woman would not give up, Peter spoke the truth, the thief begged for forgiveness, Thomas questioned, Stephen kept going, and Saul, a.k.a Paul, killed followers of The Way. What is the common thread between them? There lives, actions, and encounters seem to be so different and yet the secret to all of them is not really found in any of their stories but laid plain in Hebrews 11. Real, honest faith is the answer to commonality between the stories above. Some of them, at one point, had their faith misdirected but had faith nonetheless and were honest about it. Their faith lead to actions that seemed to be over the top ridiculously pointless in the moment it happened but is now monumental in the light of eternity.
Why were these people so sure of their decision making in the midst almost complete uncertainty? These people had a faith and hope not in the circumstances but in the what they honestly believe God was calling them to. They were honest in the beliefs and when encountered with truth moved immediately towards its end. Is this the way we live our lives? Constantly searching for truth in our relationship with God and when face with truth, adjusting our faith to line up with that truth. This is the way these people got God's attention and lived an extraordinary life. Are you ready for that life of a disciple?

In Search of Truth,


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Storm Watch

During my years in Alabama, I heard the phrase Storm Watch many times. It meant that the possibility of strong weather was imminent. The weather man would come on T.V. and let the region know the severity and length that the storms had the potential of producing. This announcement was designed to give adequate time to prepare all who could be affected. Its timing was crucial as well as it would come while the storm was far off and everything seemed relatively calm. This odd train of thought lead me to wonder why we who call ourselves Christ-followers always seem to be taken by surprise when turmoil comes to our lives. If we have communication with the omniscient God of the Universe, why then would He not warn us? This crazy thought lead me to the feeding of the five thousand and the subsequent storm out on the lake. Both times it frustrated Jesus that the disciples did not take care of the issue themselves; they could not see far enough ahead on their own to be prepared. Storms will come and needs will need to be met - how will you respond? If you are one who needs a warning here it is. Get ready and be prepared to respond exactly as He.

Watchfully Waiting,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Transition or Transformation?

I have been talking to people a lot about how our lives seem to be in transition. It seems this word and the word change have been throw around like it was candy at a parade lately but shouldn't our lives consistently be changing or transitioning. There are always things that can be pointed to as transitions and I know that significant changes are happening everywhere and that is why we say it so often but what about transformation. Romans twelve implores us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. As Christians, we should be being transformed into the likeness and image of Christ Jesus. When we speak of transition, it usually deals with the circumstances that are going on around us. When we speak of transformation, we are usually speaking of the dramatic changes that are going on inside of us. The question is, which of these is our focus in life...our circumstances or our relationship with God and how He is making us back into His image? As we move forward in our lives, there will be plenty of reason to look at all the things that are changing in life but let us keep our eyes fixed on the author and finisher of our faith.

Being Transformed,


Friday, March 5, 2010


Questions...we all have them for God but have you ever stopped to listen for the questions He has for you? Our conversations with the very one who created us seems to consistently be one-sided. I wonder how long God sits and waits for us to shut up and talk back to us. I am reminded of the story of Job and how he did a lot of talking to God and let others talk to him but nothing really changed until Job let God speak back to him. Is it maybe that when God speaks, we are scared that He will remind us of how small we truly are while pushing us to do things that seem impossible? We seem to forget that in the midst of it all He has already spoken and says that when we are truly doing the Great Commission then He is with us all the way to the end. I challenge you this week to spend more time with God listening to the questions He has for you and less time talking about your issues. I also encourage you to be willing to obey whatever He asks of you.

Seeking Still,

Pastor Jeromy

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Complicated

It's complicated...this seems to be the phrase we use get out of explaining why we do what we do or why we feel the why we feel. We know if we really get into the real reasons why things are the way they are we will no longer have an excuse to live a wishy washy life. Yes, I just said wishy washy. Why can't we just get passed ourselves and just live a decisive life? Why do we continue to allow ourselves to live in mediocrity while God is calling us to greatness? Why do we seem to have more questions than answers? Well, in short, it's complicated. Haha, but it is and we must each examine our own lives and no longer try and answer everyone elses questions while leaving ours unanswered. A life full of answers for everyone else but yourself is real hypocrisy but a life answered is a life others can follow. If wisdom helps answer questions, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and God gives wisdom liberally to those who ask and do not doubt then what is the problem? Well,'s complicated. Let's start answering next time...

Life Together,

Pastor Jeromy

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ever Changing Culture

There is a lot to be said of Culture and its constant desire to adapt new trends and make them apart of itself. It is constantly looking for the next great influence to come in and sweep it off its feet. The problem for us as Modern Christianity is that we are scared to be in Culture and thus shut ourselves off from ever getting the opportunity to change it. We try and create our own little subculture and pull everyone out of Culture into our own little cult(ure). It is time that we not be afraid to step into Culture and be the next great influencers of it. When will we realize that we actually into every part of the world(Culture) and make disciples. We must be willing to be in the world and not of it for them to see the difference and want what we have.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As I woke up this morning all I could think about was this word...pushing. This simple word lead me to really think about what was Paul really saying when he said he pressed on and strained toward what is ahead. This scripture sent my train of thought in a completely unspiritual direction as I thought of a Katt Williams bit where he talked about want to be around those who were pushing. If they were doing the same thing that they did last year he did not want to be around them. Is this this same mindset that we concerning our Christian walk? The following verse that Paul writes says that we must all have this mindset. It is time that we surround ourselves with with people who are not satisfied with yesterday's successes but are pushing forward towards that high calling which Christ Jesus called us heavenward. Remeber it is a high calling and only those who have the discipline to press will get closer to it.

Pastor Jeromy