Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ever Changing Culture

There is a lot to be said of Culture and its constant desire to adapt new trends and make them apart of itself. It is constantly looking for the next great influence to come in and sweep it off its feet. The problem for us as Modern Christianity is that we are scared to be in Culture and thus shut ourselves off from ever getting the opportunity to change it. We try and create our own little subculture and pull everyone out of Culture into our own little cult(ure). It is time that we not be afraid to step into Culture and be the next great influencers of it. When will we realize that we actually into every part of the world(Culture) and make disciples. We must be willing to be in the world and not of it for them to see the difference and want what we have.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As I woke up this morning all I could think about was this word...pushing. This simple word lead me to really think about what was Paul really saying when he said he pressed on and strained toward what is ahead. This scripture sent my train of thought in a completely unspiritual direction as I thought of a Katt Williams bit where he talked about want to be around those who were pushing. If they were doing the same thing that they did last year he did not want to be around them. Is this this same mindset that we concerning our Christian walk? The following verse that Paul writes says that we must all have this mindset. It is time that we surround ourselves with with people who are not satisfied with yesterday's successes but are pushing forward towards that high calling which Christ Jesus called us heavenward. Remeber it is a high calling and only those who have the discipline to press will get closer to it.

Pastor Jeromy